Astronomical Tourism
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ISTEK Foundation Belde Schools Science Center

ISTEK Foundation empowers modern and resourceful generations of students along the lines of Ataturk's principles and philosophies. Our foundation, founded by Bedrettin Dalan in 1985, has extended education from Kindergarten to University with 11 Primary Schools, 10 High Schools, 7 Science High Schools and Yeditepe University. ISTEK Foundation Belde Schools Science Center is a public science outreach project of the ISTEK Foundation. The Science Center comprises of a museum of astronomy, a digital planetarium and an observatory.
The Astronomy Museum is the first of its kind in Turkey. The museum comprises of a replica of the Lion Horoscope from Mt. Nemrut, a rich collection of meteorites, including metallic, chondrite, pallasite and tektite samples; scaled models of the Sun, planets, constellations and various astronomical objects; and interactive displays on large scale structure and life in the universe.

Astronomy Museum

The planetarium is located above the museum. The 11 meter metal dome structure seats 50 under a 9 meter spherical screen. The fully digital system uses Starry Night and Layered Earth software enlivened by a state of the art sound system.


Located on the roof overlooking the Bosphorus the observatory houses two separate instruments for stellar, planetary and solar research.
The main telescope is a 40 cm Schmidt-Cassegrain catadioptric system. The telescope is mounted on a Software Bisque robotic mount and it can be controlled remotely.


The observatory is located on the roof overlooking the Bosphorus the observatory houses two separate instruments for stellar, planetary and solar research. The main telescope is a 40 cm Schmidt-Cassegrain catadioptric system. The telescope is mounted on a Software Bisque robotic mount and it can be controlled remotely.

Konya Science Center and Planetarium

Konya Science Center is a science center, opened in April 2014. There are 6 different thematic exhibition galleries, 5 different workshop and laboratory areas, conference halls and show arenas. One of the 6 different thematic exhibition galleries is the Our Universe exhibition gallery. In this exhibition, you can learn and search about the Solar System, constellations, galaxies, black holes and many subjects about basic astronomy. With the Moon walking system, it is felt how to walk on the Moon.

The front building of Konya Science Center Planetarium

Konya Science Center Planetarium: It is a dome building with a spherical form of 14 m in diameter, with a capacity of 106 people, a digital and optomechanical system as 2 different systems, where special ../turkey/images and scientific films prepared with sky, celestial objects and similar ../turkey/images can be viewed. Astronomers provide astronomy trainings for all age groups. Web address: