Astronomical Tourism
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Regular tours are offered at Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute, where visitors are delivered popular lectures and the opportunity to look at starry sky through a telescope. These excursions are held at evening times provided the sky is cloudless.

Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute

Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute (FAPHI) is a research institute in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The institute was founded in 1941 as the Institute for Astronomy and Physics of the Kazakh branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, when a group of Soviet astronomers was evacuated during World War II from the European parts of the USSR to Almaty. In 1989 the Institute was renamed after Vasily Fesenkov, one of its founders.

Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute, Almaty

FAPHI conducts both observational and theoretical research.The institute runs three observational bases in mountains near Almaty: Kamenskoe Plateau Observatory, Assy-Turgen Observatory and Tian Shan Astronomical Observatory.

Kamenskoye Plateau Observatory

Kamenskoye Plateau Astrophysical Observatory is located at an altitude 1 450 meters above the sea level.

Kamenskoye Plateau Astrophysical Observatory

Tien Shan Observatory

The Tian Shan Astronomical Observatory (TShAO) is located 30 km south from Almaty, near the Big Almaty Lake, at an altitude of 2735.

Tien Shan Astronomical Observatory

1meter telescope is used for photometric investigations of variable stars in the Milky Way, eclipsing systems with moving apsis line, eclipsing stars with pulsing component; programs on exoplanets and white dwarfs are being implemented. The planned modernization and automation of the second 1-meter telescope will expand TShAO opportunities.

Assy-Turgen Observatory

The observatory is located on the Assy-Turgen plateau, 2750 meters above sea level, 85 km East from Almaty. It was built by Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute, and observations began to be performed since 1981. By 1991, two telescope towers and hotel facilities were raised, and a 1-meter telescope was launched.

Assy-Turgen Observatory

Assy Turgen is the only observatory in Kazakhstan with ideal astroclimate: high transparency of the atmosphere, no light pollution and very small (average) turbulence.

Sundial, Defenders of the Fatherland Square

The Defenders of the Fatherland Square is the main war memorial in Astana. The monument is known locally as Otan Korgaushylar. It is the main monument in a park with many. The Central part of the monument is a huge stella, with a sculpture of a lady holding a bowl. The huge sundial is one of the park attractions.

Sundial, Zashhitnikov Otechestva Square